Friday, March 20, 2009

I Think She Dropped...

I will have to get my doctor to confirm this at my next appointment, but I really think she dropped last night. I usually feel her RIGHT UNDER my ribs. She has been above my belly button for the longest time. Last night I could not sleep and then I couldn't really feel her as prominently as I normally can. Also, when she is squirming I feel her much lower today. It also feels "lighter" on top and easier to breathe.

Now, I wish this meant I was going to have her any minute, but I still have six weeks left. I wonder if there is any correlation between when the baby drops and when you go into labor. Interesting! Did any of you know when you dropped? Did you deliver soon after?


Deb said...


My sister dropped at month 4- so not coorelation in our family.

Love to you,

The Cook said...

hahaha, I dropped at 32 weeks and it helped me breath but that was it.

Type (little) a aka Michele said...

mine dropped around 28 weeks. and thus the "waddle" was born. oh the indignities of pregnancy!

Michelle said...

exciting that it's getting close! i'm so happy for you guys, after all you've been through, that you finally get to have a child to fill that crib in that beautiful nursery you've got. i know nothing can replace your lost sons... but i sure am excited about your daughter!

when exactly are you due?

- michelle

Marcia said...

Hello Dawn,
I want to send this note to you during these last days of your pregnancy, before the busy-ness and exhaustion of having your newborn daughter is upon you.
I am a single Mom of two beautiful, delightful daughters adopted from Taraz, Kazakhstan (my agency for both adoptions was LMI). They are Sara Marina (age 5) and Kate (age 3), both adopted as infants. I was blessed with wonderful adoption journeys for each of my children.
And so, as I have followed your blogs from Day 1 and have read every post (some I needed to wait to read until your blog became public again)you have been in my prayers and I have been quietly cheering you on every step of the way!
Your journey to motherhood has been one that has filled me with such an array of emotions---excitement, happiness for you, shock then horror at the loss of your sons. being dismayed that not once, but twice you lost your son after the bonding period and even after going to court, terrible heartache for you and Joe, uncertainty.............and then in these past 8 months a kind-of-cautious excitement and hope because it's hard to believe that finally your hopes and dream of motherhood are being fulfilled. And now, such hopefulness and happiness for you that the birth of your daugher is coming so very soon.
Thank you for allowing me to follow your journey. I consider it a privilege.
May God bless you with a safe delivery and the joyful birth of your daughter!