Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 9

Week 9 begins tomorrow:) I have experienced more nausea this past week than previously. I am also much more tired. My greatest concern right now is a blood clot that I have in my arm. I had a second ultrasound of the clot last week and it showed that the clot is still there. My doctor wants me to get a vascular consult. So, I have an appointment scheduled and hopefully this doctor will be able to solve the problem and put our minds at ease.

We had our very last visit with with the Reproductive Endocrinologist! We are so glad to be moving on to the next stage - an appointment with our own OB on October 1. The last ultrasound with the RE showed that the baby is doing great...growing and the heartbeat is strong.

We both really want to know the sex of the baby. I'd like to have one of those 3D/4D ultrasounds done. I read that some where able to determine the sex as early as sixteen weeks. Has anyone been told the sex that early?


The Cook said...

when i got the genetic screening done at 14 weeks they told me they saw a penis...I diod not believe them but here I am with a boy. Maybe if in the right position...the 3d ultra sounds are a lot of fun although it took many times to get a good shot of his little guy loved to move. Have you joined the group I am pregnant . com lotts of great info on there. Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. Again, happy for you.

Miracle Balsitis said...

I was able to tell the sex of my daughter at 18 weeks. They said it would be borderline if they could tell or not, but once they actually did the ultrasound the technician said it was very clear she was a girl. 16 is a bit early, but you never know!!

Anonymous said...

During my twins pregnancy I had an ultrasound at 14 weeks. They said they would try to see the sexes, but it was probably going to be too early. They tried and tried, but couldn't see anything. When they brought my family back the tech saw a penis on baby A. They couldn't tell what baby B was so we had to wait until 18 weeks. The tech had a hard time telling what it was even then, but finally decided it was a girl. After she printed off some pictures she said she was a 100% sure it was a girl. She pointed out the girlie parts.
Do you by chance have to have an amnio? I might be mistaken, but can't they find out the sex from a test they do on the fluid? I've heard of people finding out really early from some test, but I can't remember what it was. Maybe I'm dreaming! Good luck.