Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 24 ~ The End of Month Five!

This is the last week of my fifth month! WOW! I actually have a follow-up ultrasound today because our 20 week ultrasound quality wasn't exactly as good as they were looking for. At my next OB appt. I will have that Glucose test to check for gestational diabetes.

I still have not gained any weight. This worries me, but the doctor seems
unphased by this. If I was dieting I would be happy, but since I am trying to cook a baby it concerns me :) This weekend was the first time I ate a meal and felt full and content. Must be something about your own mother's cooking ~ we were visiting my parents and my mom cooked my favorite: roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy...yummy!

I finally saw the movie Twilight. I read all the books and couldn't wait to see this movie. While Bella Swan was not the inspiration for our daughter's name - it is cool! I loved the movie. I wasn't too crazy though about the actress they chose to play Bella. All the other actors seemed perfect for their role except for her. Did anyone else see the movie and feel this way about Bella?


sabarter said...

OMG!! Girl, do not even get me started on Twilight. I did not even know anything about it till we got snow days from school and I picked up the first book. I am hooked, like I am on dope. I was gonna post about it on my blog but I felt kinda silly with you know the type of folks that read my blog, guess I thought they would think me nutty. I agree with you on the actors. I felt like she was incredibly plain and blah but, if you have read the last one (Breaking Dawn) then that would leave room for them to make her look like a supermodel. So that kinda makes sense if that is what they do. But she pales in comparison to the others who are all incredibly beautiful. So if you ever want to talk Twilight, I am your girl!

So glad that you happy, healthy and wise. You deserve so much Dawn. My heart just swells for you and Joe when I think about baby girl.
